Monday, November 9, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Progress on Alien proj.

Awkward Face!!!


This is my Dino with messed up arms.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Audio questions/Answers

1. What range of frequencies are detectable to the human ear? — 20Hz is the lowest-pitched (bassiest) sound we can hear, 20kHz is the highest pitch we can hear.
2. Define Audio. Means "of sound" or "of the reproduction of sound".
3. Audio production involves what four elements of audio? natural sound, music, narration and sound effects.
4. List 10 careers in audio and list a local company for six of the career fields. Lakehouse studios,
Blue Moon Recording Studio
Brennan Music Studio
Columbia Street Recording Studio
Columbus Sound Recording Studio
dBMusic Production
Earthwork Recording
Empty Mind Studio
Fishtank Audio
5. List three careers that need to have an understanding of audio production conceptsSr Web Designer & Multimedia Manager, Network Engineer, CEAVCO Audio Visual, ETech Hi
6. A person rings a bell and another person hears the sound. Draw a diagram (in your composition book) of how this sound is created, transmitted, and received by a human
7. What is a waveform. Means the shape and form of a signal such as a wave moving in a solid, liquid or gaseous medium.
8. Is sound two dimensional or three dimensional? 2D
9. How do variations in sound pressure correlate to a waveform diagram? There are wave compared to a beam of audio dots
10. Illustrate (in your composition book) the difference between wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.
11. Diagram (in your composition book) in phase, 180deg out of phase, and different wave and how they interact.
12. Define transducer. A device, usually electrical, electronic, electro-mechanical, electromagnetic, photonic, or photovoltaic, that converts one type of energy or physical attribute to another for various purposes including measurement or information transfer
13. Define amplifier. Any device that changes, usually increases, the amplitude of a signal.
14. Define signal processor. Is a device that modifies an audio signal, either electric or digital.
15. Diagram (in your composition book) the 3 part model as described in the article.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Coty's Castle camera views 1-6

1. I learned how to break objects down into simple shapes, and i learned how to rebuild them in a whole new way. I also learned to go into more detail than I ususally do.
2. My biggest challenge in 3d is small details, i find it hard to put in small details here, and there. I also have trouble with comparison between size of the castle to the size of the market huts for the castle villlagers.
3. I would put in alot more details that i didn't in this project. Also more levels of stone walls.
4. Yes because as soon as I got my basic structure done, it already looked like a castle and the details i had pre-drawn gave me even more ideas to add to the castle.

Friday, September 4, 2009

3DS Photos

What I have learned with 3DS Max is how to create tough things out of simple shapes. I have also learned how to make a table and chairs in like 15 minutes.